
The result of the survey

20 people answered the survey we posted on this blog on June 25th.
Most of them are around 20 years old. I appreciate people who cooperate for us.
I would like to summarize the result of the survey.


1.    Do you think the death penalty should be banned or allowed? Why?

11 people think death penalty “should be allowed”
7 people think death penalty “should be banded”
2 people “have not decided.”

People who think death penalty “should be allowed” said…
The person who killed people should be done the same thing
I think death penalty is an effective way to penalize people
People who think death penalty “should be banded” said…
People don’t have the right to take lives of others.
It is too cruel.

2.    Is the death penalty really appropriate?

13 people think it is appropriate.
7 people think it is NOT appropriate.

3.    Do you believe in "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"?

11 people answered “Yes”.
9 people answered “No”.

Some of them said…
When it comes to death penalty, I think so.
It makes only another conflict

4.    Do you think condemned criminals should be allowed to meet their families before getting killed?
13 people answered “Yes”.
7 people answered “No”.

 Some of them said…
Not for the condemned criminals, but for their families.
This is because they are human, too.

5.    What do you think the minimum age for the death penalty should be?

The most people answered the minimum age for the death penalty should be 20 years old. This is because 20 is the age that regarded an adult.

I was surprised that the number of the people who think death penalty should be allowed is bigger than the number of the people think death penalty should be banned.

Also the result that more people think condemned criminals should be allowed to meet their families before getting killed is impressive to me. I empathize with the comment which said “This is because they are human, too”.
I hope people who answered the survey would think about death penalty once again.
Thank you for  your cooperation.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I appreciate your commentary on the results of the survey that you added at the end.
    Joseph D
