
How many countries ban death penalty? How many countries permit death penalty?

・How many countries ban death penalty? 
How many countries permit death penalty?

The Death Penalty Worldwide

I found the interesting web site which is called “infoplease”.
It shows how many countries ban death penalty and how many countries permit it. It also show when death penalty was outlawed in each country.  The web page was updated at least in 2012.

I was surprised that there are a lot of European and Asian countries which outlaw death penalty.
I was also really surprised that the number of the countries which ban death penalty is larger than the number of the countries which permit death penalty.
I thought the countries which permit death penalty was a majority but it is not true.


"The Death Penalty Worldwide." . infoplease, 1 Jan. 2012. Web. 25 June 2014. <http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0777460.html>.

Survey on Death Penalty

We  made a  survey on death peanlty.
We would appreciate if you cooperate our survey.

Here is link to the survey

Kazunari and Kenta


Answers to Q1

Q1.How many people are executed every year in Japan?

A1. As you can see on the graph, in 2012 as the most recent, 3 people were executed by the death penalty.

"年間の死刑執行数(グラフ) - 「死刑に異議あり」." 1 Jan. 2012: n. pag. Web. .


How executoin is carried out in Japan.


I found the website which shows how executions are carried out in Japan.
In Japan executions are carried out by hanging and it takes about an hour.

It is common to carry out execution 10 o’clock in the morning. In America, it is normally said execution is carried out in the middle of the night.

It is also said that the condemned is not informed when his or her execution will be carried out until the day it is carried out in Japan.
This is because the  condemned  who was going to be executed commited suicide the day before the execution in 1975. After that, it became customary not to inform the  condemned the date for execution.

"死刑廃止と死刑存置の考察■死刑に関する制度について■死刑執行方法・死刑場." 死刑廃止と死刑存置の考察■死刑に関する制度について■死刑執行方法・死刑場. Shin, 1 Jan. 2010. Web. 7 June 2014. <http://www.geocities.jp/aphros67/030600.htm>.